The Humanize My Hoodie Movement and Black is Beautiful are partnering to bring further awareness to the plight of Black and Indigenous People of Color. This hoodie represents the demand for Black people to be humanized (no longer criminalized). We hope these systems of oppression begin to see the true beauty and resilience of our existence, as stated proudly on the front of the hoodie.
The Black is Beautiful initiative is a collaborative effort amongst the brewing community and its customers, in an attempt to bring awareness to the injustices that many people of color face daily. Our mission is to bridge the gap that's been around for ages and provide a platform to show that the brewing community is an inclusive place for everyone of any color. We are asking for all breweries and brewers far and wide to raise a glass with us in unison and participate in this collaboration.
In the collaboration efforts, we would ask for participating breweries to do the following:
Donate 100% of the beer's proceeds to local foundations that support police brutality reform and legal defenses for those who have been wronged
Choose their own entity to donate to local organizations that support equality and inclusion
Commit to the long-term work of equality
Marcus Baskerville from Weathered Souls Brewery